JENNIFER CLAYTON. right now, i'm writing a blog posting for the sole purpose of tarnishing the name of JENNIFER CLAYTON. i hope that anytime she is looking for a job, and someone googles her, this blog comes up. JENNIFER CLAYTON was signed up for our lease in ann arbor, almost never payed her bills on time, broke a window, and as far as i know, has not paid to fix it. she also was not exactly diligent about washing the dishes and keeping the place from going to shambles. she is impossible to get a hold of and is either really stupid or a huge bitch. we are going to sue her (so yes, potential employer, do a background check!) and try to ruin her credit. she has caused pain and suffering (mental, psychological, and financial) for the rest of the girls of 1355 wilmot court.
so i wish her the best.
JENNIFER CLAYTON, jennifer clayton, Jennifer Clayton, JenNifEr CLaytOn, jeNNiFEr cLAytOn.
if you're not sure whether this is the correct JENNIFER CLAYTON, she is from houghton lake, michigan, has a boyfriend named jeff, or greg, or something. is tall, skinny, generally good-looking with long blonde hair, a math major, and really likes to eat chutney (yeah, and that's probably still in the fridge, you dirty dirty person).
if you have any questions about how much this girls sucks, please contact me.
also, if you have any ideas on how to make this the first link under a google search of "jennifer clayton," please let me know.
also, if you think this is possibly illegal, please let me know. i'd rather not be sued myself. thanks