Sunday, August 20, 2006

size DOES matter

who knew bursley could cause such a ruckus.

a strange old man (one i definitely wish i took a photo of, think of the guy in Amores Perros) - scraggly and crunchy white hair, maybe homeless, with weird little jesus pin, came up to three of us and after some friendly conversation, handed caroline this note:

the convo went something like this:

to caroline: are you one of those people with a dirty mind?
caroline: what?
strange old man (SOM): i have something for you.
caroline: what?
SOM: i have something i want you to see

(an aside .. alison thinks: UMMM!!! KEEP IT IN YOUR PANTS BUDDY!)

caroline: what? do i have to pay to see it? (now why caroline is asking if she has to pay to see it ... why this is occuring at this moment, is beyond me)
SOM: no, now don't think i'm a dirty old man, but here's something for you. i just wanted to comment on your sign (i'm guessing he meant shirt)

then he hands the note. and then it is forever immortalized in this blog.

my favorite part: the creative spelling of "toole."


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