Friday, September 22, 2006

Band of Brothers has changed my life

background: a 10-hour HBO miniseries on a unit of soldiers in WWII europe.

here's why my life will never be the same (and some of these ideas are cribbed from ben, my partner in dvd-watching crime).

1. i refuse to feel pain anymore - whether i get stub my toe or get smacked in the face, that discomfort can't compare to having your leg severed by artillery or having your whole face burned off by an exploding grenade. add the schrapnel and gunshot wounds - and the fact that most of these men dragged themselves to the medic afterward - i'm going to cut down on the complaining.

2. my life is so small and meaningless - difficult to explain, but basically, the moral of the story is that in war, you're already dead. if you survive, that's just a little bonus. besides, what these guys did, save the free world and all that jive, makes me feel pretty guilty.

3. i am 22, and am worthless - by the time these soldiers were 22, they'd killed more men than i've killed spiders. don't even get me started on how my life is going nowhere right now.

4. i don't know friendship - war creates ridiculous bonds. the closest i've come to war is daily elections, maybe jennifer clayton. i'm gonna go out on a limb and say those bonds formed don't really compare.

i'm done. this blog isn't really funny, so i'm going to stop. this is as close to introspective as you're gonna get.


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