Monday, September 11, 2006

children and why you're better off w/ a houseplant

i think most women (and maybe men) feel it occasionally. little kids running around, being all cute. maybe stuffing their faces with candy or prancing about in batman costumes. it's just so deceivingly adorable that you want to create your own and live vicariously through them.

but then, reality sets in. you remember that babies puke, they cry, they poop.

and sometimes, they stand in front of you in line, with blonde ringlets drooping and overpriced shirt neatly tucked in. they look you straight in the eye and give you a little half smile as you wait for your medium skim cafe mocha. they jiggle a little, they grimace, they drop their sippy cup ... then they pee all over the friggin floor.

and then daddy dearest throws a pile of napkins over the mess and calls it a day.

note to self: use protection. every. time.


Blogger David said...

I am so much in a agreement, babies are so cute and then you give them to their parents to deal with the whiny, diaper changing, drawing on the walls, flinging food, throwing up, 2 am feeding aspect of it. (Don't forget stretchmarks!)

9/13/2006 1:52 PM  

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