Thursday, August 23, 2007

reporting from knoxville

adding onto my whirlwind tour of the US, i am now sitting in the same plane as before, but this time in knoxville, tenn. rain apparently wants to fall wherever i am, so in an effort to not fall out of the sky as we run out of gas waiting for the atlanta airport to let us land, we diverted to tennessee's third largest city.

anyway, this is not that interesting and i'm not even that upset or frustrated. it is what it is. what was interesting was halfway in the middle of the flight, a funky smell decided to permeate throughout the cabin. smelled like a fire or chemical leak or something. it was pretty stinky, and potentially dangerous, and i can't think of a better thing to do than what our three fair flight attendants did: aka PANIC. they ran around, checked the overhead compartments, made everyone peek into their bags, and generally created a great sense of unease. i was worried they would land the plane because of it.

happened anyway. gr.

reminds me of the time a guy had a seizure on a flight to san jose. we had to stop in albuquerque to get this moron off the plane. is it mean to call someone who just had a seizure a moron? no, not if he's an epileptic and had pills and didn't take them, and then inconvenienced 200 people along the way. note to sick people: take your pills.


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