Wednesday, July 11, 2007

jack attack

i watch a lot of worthless cop-ish shows and i've noticed a trend or two.

1. why do law enforcement shows have an affinity for the name "jack?" usually it's the male lead, and he is usually sort of badass. off the top of my head: bauer from 24, mccoy from law and order, malone from without a trace, and lastly chris odonnell's character in the new CIA show "the company." and if i looked, i'm sure i could find more.
i realize that its monosyllabicism is very fun to scream ("JACK!! watch out!!") and that the "ck" sound at the end is tough, but there are many names in the world.

i have more rants about cop shows. saved for later.


Blogger Maggical said...

Here is my question: Why is Detective Stabler so sexy?

Jack Bauer might kill you for dissing his name.

7/11/2007 12:17 PM  
Blogger alison said...

stabler is sexy. i was considering naming my first born child elliot, but then i had a disgusting roommate named elliot who ruined the whole thing for me. now when i hear the name i can only think of the ring around the bathtub that he left after he took his weekly bath.

i'm not making fun of jack bauer. i love jack bauer. esp when he was addicted to heroin.

7/11/2007 12:22 PM  
Blogger Maggical said...

Ew, ring around the bath tub. I thought only British men took baths. The name Elliot reminds me of a boy from my elementary and high school who drove a Lexus SVU with the license plate "Sell High." Not as gross as bathtub scum, but still. No Elliots in my reproductive future either.

Who is sexier, Detective Stabler or Jack Bauer?

7/11/2007 2:07 PM  
Blogger alison said...

this kid wasn't british, he was korean. and he didn't take a bath once a week in lieu of a shower for that day. he never took showers. only baths and very infrequently. needless to say, he sucked.

i'm gonna have to go with stabler on this one. they both overflow with machismo, but jack's superhuman-ness is somehow less sexy. stabler is slightly more attainable, and i also think stabler's rage issues and lack of control make him hotter. i like em crazy, what can i say.

7/11/2007 2:26 PM  
Blogger Maggical said...

I think Jack would be a little pressed for time, too rushed.

But I think Stabler might have some creepy sex issues. He can't be normal after working for SVU for so long.

I pick Stabler too. I feel like Jack would be a crier underneath that tough exterior. And I don't have time for that.

7/11/2007 2:39 PM  
Blogger Allen said...

One more, kinda (kinda because Alias isn't a law enforcement show):

Jack Bristow, aka SpyDaddy in Alias.

Off the top of my head, I can think of one other monosyllabic name ending with a "ck" sound, but I think "DICK!!" might run into problems with the network censors in certain contexts.

7/12/2007 4:52 PM  
Blogger alison said...

just reminds me of that season 3 finale of buffy where she kills the principal. his name is richard throughout the show, but to piss him off, she calls him "dick." oh the double entendre.

7/12/2007 4:56 PM  
Blogger Jina said...

jack malone used to be one of my favorite characters on without a trace until i found out him and his wife (maria) got a divorce because he had an affair with the blond chick. what's her name? oh, sam. this really pissed me off because i thought he seemed like a really father-like, stand-up boss in a lot of the episodes. and of course, i didn't know of the affair until a really old episode aired on a random sunday night.

7/12/2007 9:14 PM  
Blogger alison said...

malone had an affair with the poppy montgomery character? WHAT? how the hell did that happen? he's so old, and she's so hot. how did the wife find out? i bet he told her, that idiot. was it a full-blown affair or a drunken mistake? and isn't she kind of now getting it on with the eric close character? i don't know any of their names on this show and i clearly don't watch it very frequently ... i suppose i could look this up on the internets, but what's the fun in that?

7/13/2007 2:23 AM  
Blogger Jina said...

hahaha. ya! they totally 100% hooked up. i think it was a couple times. and yeah, he ended up telling his wife i think. they had a really rocky marriage before anyways. and another yeah! poppy is now screwing the eric close character. but, their relationship is SOOOOOO weird. she is afraid of making things official, telling people, etc., so he basically gets fed up and breaks up with her (kinda). but then he gets shot/gets addicted to painkillers/blahblah and she realizes she still cares about him a lot. oh, and the jack and poppy thing was so weird, too. 'cuz they kinda spinned it to look like she wanted it to be more than it was. and he was soooooo not into it. okay. i'm a loser. ciao!

7/13/2007 5:07 PM  

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