nachos bell grande
rarely am i disappointed by fast food. it is just consistently delicious. but this little reality check (<--awesome site!) has devastated my world. who would have thought that the minimum wage workers couldn't replicate the multi-million dollar beauty of TV and poster ads. who would have thought.

on a related note, why hasn't taco bell returned to the glorious green onion days of yore? i'm of the belief that green onions make a HUGE difference in the taste of a mexican pizza or nacho supreme. i think the e-coli is gone now and look how amazing those green bits look!

on a related note, why hasn't taco bell returned to the glorious green onion days of yore? i'm of the belief that green onions make a HUGE difference in the taste of a mexican pizza or nacho supreme. i think the e-coli is gone now and look how amazing those green bits look!
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